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Willett Family Estate Single Barrel Bourbon 10 year #758 123.4 Proof Richard Serrano Selection for L'eft Bank Wine Company - Coit Liquor Store

Willett Family Estate Single Barrel Bourbon 10 year #758 123.4 Proof Richard Serrano Selection for L’eft Bank Wine Company


Willett Family Estate Single Barrel Bourbon 10 year #758 123.4 Proof Richard Serrano Selection for L'eft Bank Wine Company
Kentucky Bourbon Distillers are the owners of the Willett Distillery in Bardstown. Willett Distillery was built in 1936, just a few years after the repeal of National Prohibition by Lambert Willett, a former distiller for Max Selliger & Co. The distillery was initially a success, principally through its Old Bardstown and Johnny Drum brands, however, it was hit hard by the bourbon slump of the 1970s. The result was an ill-advised move into producing ethanol for "gasohol," spurred by the 1979 energy crises. When that market re-stabilized, Willett was left floundering and eventually closed in the early 1980s. Lambert's granddaughter, Martha Willett and her husband, Even Kulsveen, then purchased the distillery and established Kentucky Bourbon Distillers in 1984. They initially bottled the remaining barrels of 1970s-distilled stock, however as that gradually diminished, they began sourcing barrels from other producers in order to replenish it, becoming one of the most important independent bottlers in Kentucky.
Most of their barrels were believed to have come from neighboring Heaven Hill, and with these casks, they developed a wealth of important brands, including the Willett Family Estate, Noah's Mill and Rowan's Creek. In addition, they contract-bottled brands for other companies, such as the Very Olde St Nick and Black Maple Hill brands. Revered for the quality of their whiskey, their products have become some of the most collectible to come out of Kentucky. On January 21st, 2012, the company re-opened Willett Distillery and has been slowly replenishing its warehouses with its own whiskey ever since.
This 10 year old was bottled from a barrel sourced in Kentucky. It was selected by Richard Serrano, especially for the L'eft Bank Wine Company.