B110 Stands for Blanco at 110 Proof - more flavors, less water! We just received the first order and it's really been fun spreading the word. Here's a high proof Tequila with finesse. Carlos Camarena and his family carry on 75 years of the Tequila Tapatio brand. What would Don Felipe say to his Tequila at 110 Proof? Well - we think he'd say party on...in his own way! 100% Estate grown Blue Agave. The Agave are hand selected by Jimadores and delivered fresh to the distillery where they are hand cut and placed in the oven. The Blue Agave are slowly baked for four days to transform the raw material into sweet fructose sugar. Once baked, the Blue Agaves are crushed and pressed in a modified sugar cane mill to extract the sweet agave juice ("Mosto") which is then ready for fermentation. A selected fraction of freshly made "Mosto" is pumped into small wood fermenters to slowly ferment using a special in-house 75 year old yeast culture. Once the "Mosto" ferments into dry "Mosto Muerto" it is ready to be distilled. The first distillation is run through a 3,500 liter Stainless Steel Still, then the "Ordinario" is distilled in small (90-250 gallon) Copper Alambiques Tequilano Pot Stills. Barely filtered to preserve mouth feel, texture and viscosity of the estate grown Blue Agave. Aged in stainless steel for 6 months.